Thursday 9 August 2012

First ever edu-fun creative workshop in Chennai. The Journey continues…

Scraps of paper, color and amicable clatter were the epitome of DAClan meets over the last few days. What with the preceding gatherings being hectic with registration processes, logo designing, finalizing workshop format AND making the poster collage. The logo deciding process was a heady mix of creativity and simplicity, wherein over 12 options were created by clan members and posted on the DAClan page. The viewers “liked” and commented on their choices over a period of 5 days. The comments were genuinely informative and amended us to arrive at a mutual conclusion with trial and error technique. Our special thanks to Zil Zie, Nirmal Texinger and Vinati Bhatt for, their keen interest in the logo process and development and we are grateful to each and everyone who shared their valuable thoughts and took part in voting process. Logo options from the respective Clan members:-

Finalized logo option:- (Jay’s option)

Our collective Twist:-

The final logo atlast!

The logo defines DAClan in its true form, a single stroke to form “D”, “A” and “C” in various tints and shades of blue and yellow to symbolize youthfulness, creativity and enthusiasm to share knowledge and experiences.

Members deep in work

The poster making was altogether another story. Torn magazine sheets, the smell of fevicol and striking colors- what more can a creative mind ask for! They often say the “Journey is more important than the destination”. Of course our journey to the first workshop has been nothing but memorable, getting to know each other, truly relishing one another’s company and cracking irrelevant jokes. With just 2 days to go for the first workshop at “Elliots beach” on Sunday the 12th August at 3:00 pm , pressure to deliver beyond expectations is mounting. Our first creative exploit, hoping everything would go well! Cheers!


Aka Kirthana.B

Core Clan member (daclan)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
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    Logo Design Chennai
