Tuesday 20 March 2012

Inklink Collective Unschool/ Intro:

The first ever SNS based " Unschool", InkLink is a free platform to learn / teach/ discuss various topics of  sketches, illustrations, graphics, computer graphics, photography, fashion, styling and other visual expressions of art...linking creatives through ink:)

 At InkLink, we intend to exchange our experiences to make art easy to learn. the techniques and ideologies with a motto to teach drawing, illustration and art in social networking platform "facebook", thus making social natworking site a learning tool rather than simple time pass. A non-school approach to make learning fun and easy in a collective way.

Inklink is a swarm ,where besides giving lessons/ discussing about visual media, which connects with many creative groups and individuals around the world, thus making itself a sharing and global platform for inducing  new talents.

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